Thursday, November 8, 2007

AV: What do you miss most from your pre-baby life?
SC: Shopping alone! Any kind grocery or clothing.AV: What activity would renew, recharge, and reenergize your body?
SC: A spa day, all alone.

AV: What activity would renew, recharge, and re-energize your mind?
SC: A chat with my girlfriends.

AV: What activity would renew, recharge, and re-energize your spirit?
SC: A good worship service during church. Some of those songs just release all anxiety and you feel so tall.

AV: What gift can I give to myself today?
SC: A moment of peace maybe in a bubble bath.

AV:When you look back at this time in your life, what will you regret not doing for yourself?
SC: I think not lowering the expectations on myself. I need to learn to let things go.

AV: What is one thing - however small - that you can do to make self-care integral to your week?
SC: I think just taking a moment to breathe. It is okay to put yourself on the list.

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