Thursday, November 8, 2007

AV: What do you miss most from your pre-baby life?
SC: Shopping alone! Any kind grocery or clothing.AV: What activity would renew, recharge, and reenergize your body?
SC: A spa day, all alone.

AV: What activity would renew, recharge, and re-energize your mind?
SC: A chat with my girlfriends.

AV: What activity would renew, recharge, and re-energize your spirit?
SC: A good worship service during church. Some of those songs just release all anxiety and you feel so tall.

AV: What gift can I give to myself today?
SC: A moment of peace maybe in a bubble bath.

AV:When you look back at this time in your life, what will you regret not doing for yourself?
SC: I think not lowering the expectations on myself. I need to learn to let things go.

AV: What is one thing - however small - that you can do to make self-care integral to your week?
SC: I think just taking a moment to breathe. It is okay to put yourself on the list.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

'07 Harvest Potluck

AV: What do you miss most from your pre-baby life?
CQ: A good night’s sleep.

AV:What activity would renew, recharge, and reenergize your body?
CQ: A day at the spa; massage, facial, manicure and pedicure.

AV: What activity would renew, recharge, and re-energize your mind?
CQ: Adult conversation, maybe with a girlfriend.
"Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." Proverbs 16:24

AV: What activity would renew, recharge, and re-energize your spirit?
CQ: Quality time with my Savior while walking on the beach where I could worship Him in prayer and song while I enjoy the beautiful surroundings that He created for me!!!
"Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden and overburdened, and I will cause you to rest. (I will ease and relieve and refresh your souls). Matthew 11:28, AMP

AV: What gift can I give to myself today?
CQ: Love myself as Jesus loves me- accepting me as me and not expecting perfection.

AV: When you look back at this time in your life, what will you regret not doing for yourself?
CQ: Taking time out of my schedule for me.

AV: What is one thing - however small - that you can do to make self-care integral to your week?
CQ: Schedule it! As a busy mom if I do not schedule it in, it probably won't happen.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Mommy & Me @ Pump It Up

On November 6th, we met at Pump It Up for an amazing, bouncin’ fellowship. We were praising God for the large turn out! Yay!

As the kids bounced about, the Moms laughed and enjoyed just as much as they did!
We ended the morning with a great meal at Chick-fil-A.